Friday, 14 March 2014

The unhistorical defence of Little Round Top

The Gallant Defence of Little Round Top 

  The Union IIIrd corps, under Sickles, had taken a severe beating in the afternoon of the 2nd July. Mayor K Warren saw the danger and sent two brigades and supporting artillery to defend Little Round Top and so shore up the whole Union position on Cemetry Ridge. Two brave Union brigadiers stormed across the table as the shabby ranks of grey and brown advanced on their position. A few regiments of Rebs followed the wrong trails but Togoodevans was already decimating the stout union defenders of the Emmitsgurg ridge led by the dashing, and equally stout, Brig. M Baldwin. But help was at hand. Brigadier Ken " ol windy' macteethcruncher had the antidote. Skillfully masking the fire from the other defending Union Brigades, Ken charged without any artillery support. The damage had been done though. Union artillery was wheeled forward to blast the Johnny Rebs from the peach orchards.  The union had lost the Devils Den but the Union had a plan. Brigadier Broad manfully sent his two brigades charging down the slopes of Little Round top and into Hood's overconfident Texans! The carnage was awful but the game ended with the confederates just holding onto the lower edges of Little Round Top. Thanks to all who took part in this game. See you all soon for Picketts Carge? 

Apologies to history!

Thursday, 13 March 2014

It's been a while...

It's been a while since the last post in this blog, real life and lots of gaming/hobby getting in the way of typing up a few paragraphs. 

The members of the Tendence Historique have been hard as work over recent months. 
One member has started to scrape together "yet another" Bolt Action army. 
This army being one that has a place in his heart. And really means quite a lot to him. 
With the release of the perry brothers desert rats, he simply couldn't resist in setting out pulling to gether a few models to creat his 7th Armored divition inspired North Africe army. 
Haveing a grandfather that was deployed to NA, an truck driver (engineer) attached to the 7th Armored divishion, he simply couldn't resist after all the story from his grandfather when he was a young lad. 

These iconic guns, are Weatwind Productions 25pdrs, with converted perry desert rats for crew. 
The guns are reasonable cheap, they come with crew in western battle dress. 

The Stuart 'Honey' tank, with his love for this tank and sheer firepower in the game 2 of these where and absolute must. 
The Stuarts are blitzkrieg. Stunning models and lovely casts. The underneath of the turret needed a little work, to turn on the hull smoothly, but nothing too scary. 

The second tank across in this picture is of cause, the Cruaader, Warlord model. 
1 word... Beautiful! Tank and model 

And the final piece that means the most to the painter. This is a 3 ton OY truck (from Warlord). On the grill exactly where his grandfather had written it over 70 years ago, is Kidderminster kid.